The significance of Tajweed:
The origins of tajweed:
The goals of tajweed:
The hukm of tajweed:
The word
Tajweed comes from the word جوٌد - jawwada, which
means the opposite of something poorly done, or something low. Tajweed is
reciting the letters of the Quran in the best manner, in the best way, giving
each letter its due right, pronouncing each letter from the proper makhraj
(point of articulation).
To say Jawwad al quran,
means recited the Quran in the best manner, and mujeed means the one who does
things best.
Tajweed is light and comes
with ease. Some people exert more effort, and overdo it while reciting, which
is not the part of tajweed. While some others recite the Quran in a laid back
style, so it is also not to the point that you become lazy. Just like our deen
Islam, tajweed is the middle way, it has to be done in the balance manner.
Tajweed comes from
practice- it doesn’t matter what background and language you come from. So when
people think they can’t do that, it’s not right, tajweed comes with practice
and with time you become mujawwid. Practice, practice, practice, and you’ll be
able to recite correctly.
Like learning the language
and learning salah, we’ll learn tajweed slowly with practice, and not over
Tajweed is
divided into two categories:
1) Knowledge: It is knowing the articulations of
letters, knowing the different forms (e.g. madd, shaddah etc), and all the
different rules compiled by the scholars pertaining to the recitation of the
Actions: is to take all these rules and apply them and do تلاوة (Tilawa- to recite with proper tajweed/slowly). تلاوة differentiates
Quran with all the other things, so people can tell when someone is reciting
the Quran, even if we don’t know what surah is being recited.
Your coming to read the
Quran, is like you’re doing something great, so fix your self up and recite in
best way.
The significance of Tajweed:
It is to
preserve the words of quran from changes and distortions, unlike what happened
to the books before Quran. And if you see the efforts muslims put in keeping
the Quran guarded, subhanAllah, that shows how great the Quran is!
did the study of tajweed start:
In the
fourth century after hijrah, the scholars wrote down the rules for tajweed.
Before this people learned verbally from their teachers (the companions and
their followers).
The origins of tajweed:
We learned tajweed from the
Prophet (SAW) who taught the sahaba (the companions),
who taught the generation after words and so it has come down to us. Even today
when a sheikh gives Ijaza’ (certificate of having learned the Quran and recited
completely under a sheikh), it has the name of the student, the sheikh, the
teacher of the sheikh, and all the names in the chain of transmission until
and then Jibraeel (as) and then
Allah(swt)! The lowest level in Ijaza’ is 27 recitors (the number of people it
has passed down through), and the Quran was revealed in 7 dialects and we are
only using one.

The goals of tajweed:
Is to gain
the rewards form Allah (swt) in the hereafter.
The hukm of tajweed:
the rules of tajweed is fard kifaya, if a group of muslims fulfills it then
everybody doesn’t have to do it. But if a group of muslims don’t do it then everyone
is in sin. So, a group of muslims who know the rules and details of tajweed can
teach others about it.
However, reciting the
quran with tajweed is fard ayn, the proof is the ayah : “And
recite the Qur’ân (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style”
Meaning of “tarteel”: Making
it clear (Ibn ‘Abbaas); reading it letter by letter (Adh-Dhahaak), reading it
slowly (Ibn Katheer). This makes easier pondering the meaning. So, every one who has the
resources to learn tajweed, must learn it. It is Haraam to read the Quran
Every one
who has ability to learn tajweed should do so, otherwise we’ll be changing the
words of the Quran.
learning the tajweed has to be by listening, and not only by the book.
The Reward:
‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allaah will earn one good (hasanah) thereby. One good deed is equal to ten good deeds the like of it. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter andMeem is a letter.’”
(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2910; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2327)
This reward is the right of each letter, therefore, give each letter its due right, by pronouncing it correctly!
tajweed meaning
ReplyDeleteReciting Quran must be in the proper way. Many scholars have emphasized on the importance of learning the proper way of reciting the Quran and learning the Tajweed Rules in order to recite the Quran just like Prophet (SAW) used to recite.
This course is designed to enable you to learn Quran recitation and apply the Tajweed Rules of the Quran from the best experienced Native Quran teachers from Egypt.
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madina online
ReplyDeleteThis book is the final part of a three part series in English on the Tajweed rules of Quran. This book acts as a guide for non-Arabs with a good grasp of English for studying tajweed of the holy Quran. This book explains and provides details about the start and stop while reading the holy Qur’an, for example: What kind of of stop is allowed, what kind of stop is forbidden, what kind of stop is preferred.
tajweed rules
Learn Nazra Quran with Tajweed
ReplyDeleteOnline Quran Tutors
Reciting of the Quran must be with proper pronunciations . Many Ulmas have emphasized on the importance of learning the Quran recitation and also learning of Tajweed Rules.
Our Tajweed course is designed to enable you to learn Nazra Quran recitation with Tajweed Rules from the top notch Native Quran tutors .Lean online Quran is considered to be the divine opportunity among Muslims whether physically or virtually. Many Quran Academies and institutes are providing services to learn online Nazra Quran with tajweed, which is also a good initiative.
Assafwah online academy is providing their quality services devotedly throughout the world.