
Madd linguistically means : more (of something).
Could be used as in to stretch your hand, to help some one by giving money etc.
      In tajweed: elongating the sound of  the ‘madd letters’ for more than two harakaat when it comes before a ‘hamza’ or ‘sukoon’.
Therefore, Madd is to make something longer than 2 harakaat.
« rule of thumb: one harakah = one second
Alqaser : shortening a sound to two seconds (harakaat) only, like {قاصرات} in the ayah :
حروف المد 
What are the Madd letters?
Three letters of madd:  ا  “و  “ي  (alif, waw, yaa…aa ooo eee)
All theses letters have to have a sukoon on them, but before the waw there has to be a dammah, yaa a kasrah, and  alif a fat'ha.

« The و with sukoon with a “damma” before, the ي with a ‘kasra’ before, and the ا with a “fat-ha” before it. (يقول – قال – قيل)
An example of all the three letters is found int the word: نوحيها 
The different kinds of Madd:
المد الطبيعي  The natural Madd 
The madd that is elongated for two harakat only is called “natural madd”  مد طبيعي (it is part of the letter, and comes in all cases)
It is also called “original madd” مد أصلي –
      There are four kinds of it:
       1. Within a word (original), it can come at the end of the word as well: مالك ضحاها 
 2. Within two words (male pronoun): The connected small madd – مد صلة صغرى 
إنه هو – به بصيرا 

[This kind comes between two words, the end of the first word has a haa-addameer (male pronoun haa- e.g. innahu إنه هو), between two words, you do madd for 2 secs.
 e.g. به بصيرا (has a waw, or a little yaa next to it in the mushaf)]

3. Within two words (male pronoun) : The connected big madd – مد صلة كبرى 
{وهو يحاوره أنا}، {وله أجر}، {به أحداً}. 
[This also comes  between two words, and ends with a male pronoun, but the letter in the 2nd word has to be a “hamzah”, e.g. له أجره, به أحدا  You can either make it 2 harakah, or 4 harakaat long.]

4. Within one word (not original) :- غفورا رحيما  سميعا بصيراً

[So when stopping at the word, you remove kasratain and stretch it to baseeraaah.
Madd only if you stop at the word. Also called,   مد العوض (3iwadd means exchange, so change tanween to sukoon).]
حروف اللين  Madd al-leen (soft letters) 
There are two letters called “leen” letters which are the و and the ي that have “fa-ha” before them, and they are elongated if you stop at the word.
[So you only make a madd if you STOP at It, therefore, MUST STOP at it to make a madd. It is 2 harakaat long. E.g. بيت ,  خوف]
الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُمْ مِنْ جُوعٍ وَآمَنَهُمْ مِنْ خَوْفٍ} (سورة قريش الآية: 4)
 A looong Stretch! (cont’d)
المد الفرعي – The secondary madd  
Secondary madd : Unlike the natural madd, this madd is an addition to the letter, and comes after a ‘hamza’ or ‘sukoon’ (so any sukoon on waw, yaa,alif). This madd is longer.
This secondary madd has five kinds:
1)      The connected obligatory madd – المد الواجب المتصل
Reason for madd : There is a hamza following the “alif” within the same word. e.g.      assamaa2a – السماء.
{وَالسَّمَاءِ وَمَا بَنَاهَا} (سورة الشمس الآية: 5).
In hafs, the elongation is for (4-5 seconds,harakat) if its in the middle of an ayah, or at the end.
So, if you see a waw, alif, or yaa followed by hamzah in the same word then you make this type of madd. E.g. سوء
1)  The disconnected permitted madd – المد الجائز المنفصل
      Reason for madd: There is a hamza followed the madd letter within different words
The permissible madd not connected: (in some recitations they do not make this madd, but in  haffs, this madd is said)
قالوا آمنا , يره أحد, أحينا إليك, كما آمن
[So, here hamzah is between two words, and hamzah is at the beginning of the 2ndword]
Can elongate it 4 to 5 secs, or keep it for 2 secs long.
3) The madd exposed to sukoon – المد العارض للسكون
      Reason for madd: The letter that follows this madd became “saakina” (sukoon is   
      not original)
[In other words,  Madd is exposed to a sukoon, (met a sukoon), i.e. we stopped on it.
Like samee3ann baseera, we have a letter follow a sukoon but its not original. E.g.
It is aso Ja’iz or permissible, can stretch it to 2,4,5,6 secs.
« Not to confuse with  مد العوض : madd al-ewad is the one where you stop at a tanween, changing it to a sukoon e.g. غفورا رحيما   
 4) The exchanged madd – مد البدل
Hamza precedes the madd letters, elongated for two seconds only.      Originally there are two hamzahs but it became one long hamza
آمنوا – إيمانا - أوتوا
[So joined the two alif together to make it easier and joined in a long alif.  إإيمانا  أأوتوا,أأمنوا] 5) The necessary madd – المد اللازم 
Madd al-laazim- the necessary/obligatory madd, the longest in quran.
It has two branches:

A)    Necessary madd in a word – مد لازم كلمي
       It can be heavy or light – مثقل أو مخفف      
              I.      المد الازم الكلمي المثقل-Heavy : after the madd comes a letter with a real sukoon (with idgham – 2 letters, one sound – إدغام)
{الْحَاقَّةُ مَا الْحَاقَّةُ} (سورة الحاقة الآية: 1-2)
 [There is a sukoon on qaaf, idghaam because of shaddah, same with at-taaammah]
II.      المد الازم الكلمي المخفف  Light: after the madd comes a letter with a real sukoon, with no shaddah (idgham – two letters, one sound – إدغام).
There is only one word in quran for this type of madd, آ ل آ ن
B)  Necessary madd in a letter – مد لازم حرفي
It comes in the following letters:(صله سحيراً من قطعك)
(here the letters are put together in a sentence, but on all these letters a madd lazim is applied, and all are disjointed i.e not read together).

These letters are divided into a 1)Natural Madd and 2)Secondary Madd.
Out of the above letters, the following letters take on a Natural Madd: حي طهر
So, you make it 2 secs long (since it’s a natural madd). For example: 
{طه} (سورة طه الآية: 1).
And the rest of the letters take on a Secondary Madd كم عسل نقص 
[These letters كم عسل نقص if come in quran, you do not join them, they are among the disjointed letters, and make madd on each letterfor 6 secs.]
 « Fun fact: the phrase in which all the disjointed letters are strung together lit.means
“how much honey is missing” كم عسل نقص (perhaps the honey-lovers will remember that!)

The secondary madd can be Heavy or light  مثقل أو مخفف  :

a)المثقل Heavy: after the madd comes a letter with a real sukoon with ‘idgham’
b)المخفف Light: after the madd comes a letter with sukoon but no idgham.
{ألم} (سورة البقرة الآية: 1)
[ In, آلم, laam and meem are 2 madd. لام ميم.
لام م  so after came the idgham, so laam is heavy and meem is light.
So meem has sukoon, therefore , light, and laam is being joined is heavy. ]
 «Below are all the disjointed letters that come in the Quran:
الم, المص, الر, المر, كهيعص, طه, طسم, طس, يس, ص,  حم, عسق, ق,م,  ن

1 comment:

  1. Jazakum Allah khair. For the big effort to make it easy for us to get to the Tajweed rules
